Tertiary Programs

Museums and collections professionals, including curators and academic engagement specialists, work with Faculties across the University to develop and deliver transformative learning and research opportunities for students.

Students discussing objects around a table_cropped

Academic Engagement

Museums and collections across the University develop and deliver transformative learning and research opportunities for students in a richly transdisciplinary environment.

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Case Studies

Academic and teaching staff can create transformative experiences for students in our museums and galleries spaces and beyond, using our collections and exhibitions to create new learning pathways. An Academic Engagement team can help to design and coordinate experiences spanning the curricular and co-curricular and for student cohorts of all sizes and disciplines.

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 Jon Cattapan, Sister,1984 (oil on canvas).
IMAGING:The Museum Made Digital Master of Architecture Studio


There are a variety of internships and professional placements offered through University of Melbourne programs, including the Master of Curatorship, Arts and Cultural Management, Cultural Materials Conservation, IT and Engineering. These are made available to students through the relevant subject coordinators. Contact us if you’re interested in undertaking an internship.

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